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Shape of the Site

The shapes of sites are

1. Ayaatamu
2. Chaturasramu
3. Vrttamu
4. Bhadraasanamu
5. Chakramu
6. Vishamabaahuvu
7. Trikoanamu
8. Sakataakruti
9. Damdaakaaramu
10. Panavaakaaramu
11. Murajaakaaramu
12. Brhanmukamu
13. Vyajanaakaaramu
14. Kurma Prshtaakaaramu
15. Dhanuraakaaramu
16. Suurpaakaaramulu

1. Ayaataakaara Stalamu : This is a rectangular site with opposite sides equal in lengths. Such sites are 'Ayaata' shaped sites. Such sites are Desirable and provide its owners with prosperity.
2. Chaturasrayaakaara Stalamu : These are square shaped sites. They offer their owners a gradual incline in wealth and status. Such sites are Desirable
3. Vruttaakaara Stalamu : Round like the moon above are these sites. such sites are called 'Vrutakara' shaped sites. They are also much Desirable as they provide the owners with health wealth and happiness.
4. Bhadraakaara Stalamu : When two sides are of equal length and the remaining two sides are of different lengths, then such sites are called 'Bhadraasana' shaped sites. Those who reside in these sites suffer with troubles. Such sites are Not Desirable
5. Chakrakaara Stalamu : When two sides of the site are of the same length and if the site has corners cut into it then such a site is called the 'Chakrakara' shaped site. The owner of such site suffer from the lose of wealth, children. Everything is lost insuch sites.Such sites are Not Desirable
6. Vishamakaara Stalamu : When no two sides are of the same length then such sort of sites are called 'Vishama' shaped site. This type of sites are Not Desirable
7. Trikoanaakaara Stalamu : If the site has only 3 sides then such site is called a 'Trikoanaakara' shaped site. Such sites are Undesirable
8. Sakatakara Stalamu : Perpendicularly shaped sites are called 'Sakalakara' shaped sites. Such sites are Undesirable
9. Dandakaara Stalamu : When two sides are of equal length but not parallel due to the difference in the lenghths of the remaining sites are called 'Dandakara' shaped sites. Such sites are Undesirable
10. Panavakaara Stalamu : The site is shaped in the shape of a plus sign then such sites are called 'Panavaakara' shaped sites. Such sites are Undesirable .
11. Murajaakaara Stalamu : This is a Octogonally shaped site. Such sites are called 'Murajakara' shaped site. Such sites are Undesirable .
12. Brahnmukaara Stalamu : The word 'Brahnmuka' means having different sides. When three sides of the site are of the same size and the fourth side is bow shaped facing outwards, then such sites are 'Brahnmukara' shaped sites. Such sites are Undesirable .
13. Vyajanaakaara Stalamu :When the sides follow no specific rules then such sites are in the form of an axe, or a flag staff are 'Vyajanakara' shaped sites. Such sites are Undesirable .
14. Kurmaprushtaakaara Stalamu : 'Kurmaprushta' means the shape of a turtles back. One side of the site is elongated while the other sides are in the form of a turtle back then such sites are called 'Kurmaprushtaakara' shaped site. Such sites are Undesirable .
15. Dhanuraakaara Stalamu : 'Dhanuvu' means bow. One side is straight and the remaing sides are bent like a bow. Such sites are Undesirable .
16. Surpakara Stalamu :

More shapes for sites:

Maddela akara Stalamu : People who live in this site are at a lose. Hence 'Maddela' shaped site. Such sites are Undesirable .
Bhadraasanaakaara Stalamu : The site is protruded with 90oon each side. Such sites are Undesirable .
Visinakarra aakaara Stalamu : The site is in the shape of a hand fan. Such sites are Undesirable .
Amdakara Stalamu : This site is oval shaped. Such sites are Undesirable .
Damarukam akara Stalamu : This is a drum shaped site. Such sites are Undesirable .
Kumbakara Stalamu : Such sites are Undesirable .
Rokali Akara Stalamu : Dumbell shaped site. Such sites are Undesirable . ***
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