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Never visit anyone without an invitation.


Where you are not respected we should not boast about yourself.


One should not roam in the streets.


One should not laugh loudly or jump infront of others.


One should not sit idly and swing their legs.


One should try to do as much good as possible.


Should stay pure specially on Fridays and Saturdays.


Should not show pride when attaining wealth.


One should not be lazy while there is work to be done.


Never feel jealous of the rich.


Never make fun of those who are less fortunate.


One should not weep or eat in the middle of the road.


Never disrespect your brothers or your family.


One should forgive any mistake of her husband, like a mother would do her child's mistake.


Never sit in the shadow of a lamp.


One should walk gently.


Never do anything that the husband forbids to do.


Should not laugh out loudly even during happy occassions.


Should never kick the 'Gadapa'


Even though your parents place is rich, one should not go there always.


Should not stand comb one's hair standing on the front yard.


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